Knowledge, Innovation and Africa

As I watched the video here, I have gotten to reflect a bit on the importance of knowledge and how it is disseminated. As I turn 25, I want to take the time to reflect on knowledge, the power it yields and why Africans should take it seriously when it comes to developing, preserving and disseminating knowledge using the latest tools at their disposal.

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Towards Being A Man

Becoming a man is not an event but a never-ending process1. It has become very common for people to describe what it means to be a ‘real’ man. In this essay, I will explore this topic from the perspective of a male on his journey to become a man.

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Go Ahead And Scroll Your Life Away

The curse of our modern age is that we have so much that we rarely focus on what is truly important to us. We stare at our screens and scroll the hours away. By the time we look up, life has moved on without us.

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To The Land Of Prosperity

One of things I love to see is the success of the Kenyan entrepreneur. It is always a blessing to see that our economy is doing well and has been shaped by the men and women who labour hard on building their businesses.

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Local Capital Should Take Its Place

I read a thread the other day that was very shocking and it hit me differently. The author argued that the funding pouring into Africa from foreign investors is merely a test to see if the continent is a viable market.

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